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Grading Policies

The program will require students to perform at or above 69.5% in individual didactic or clinical courses and at or above 69.5% or 84.5% in didactic concentrations as defined in the program’s Academic Standards which may be found at this link:

Students who fail to achieve the minimum performance expectation for a course or concentration in either the didactic or clinical phases of the curriculum will be required to spend additional time on this content as defined in the Academic Standards. Students will have individualized remediation plans defined by faculty responsible for the course or concentration.

Demonstration that the requisite knowledge has been obtained via follow-up testing qualifies the student for advancement.

Failure after completing a didactic remediation plan may result in a student restarting the program. A student may be given only one opportunity to restart the program. Failure in remediating a clinical course may result in dismissal from the program. These courses of action are described in great detail in the program’s Academic Standards.

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