The fourteenth annual Documentary Film Series at vlogƵ will begin at 2 p.m. April 1 with Helen Whitney’s “Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate.”
All screenings in the series are free to the public and will be held in the Kerr McGee Auditorium in Meinders School of Business at N.W. 27th Street and Blackwelder Avenue. It is sponsored by the Thatcher Hoffman Smith Endowment Fund.
The series title, “Aftermath,” comes from the title of a poem by Pulitzer prize-winner Claudia Emerson, who will give a reading at OCU April 4.
“Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate” attempts to answer the questions: What are the trends of forgiveness today; what is its power, limitations and in some cases, its dangers; has the act of forgiveness been cheapened in modern times?
The film explores events including the 2006 shooting of Amish children in Nickel Mines, Penn.; a violent attack on two young female campers; and the struggle of a 1960s radical to cope with the consequences of a violent act of protest that turned deadly.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu said of the film: “Forgiveness is not just some nebulous, vague idea that one can easily dismiss. Without forgiveness there is no future. To forgive is the only way to change the world permanently. This film...enter[s] into a deep conversation as to how we can all accomplish this world-changing—world-affirming task.”
Other dates and films in the series will be April 15 with Bryan Single’s “Children of War” and April 22 with Sara Terry’s “Fambul Tok.”